Champions League 2023/24 - Result Prediction

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Match prediction statistics Bayern München vs. Real Madrid Semi-finals

Match result 2:2

Match start: your time zone

Result prediction statistics, 11 predictions

Bayern München wins73%
Real Madrid wins9%

Bayern München proceeds55%
Real Madrid proceeds45%

Average goals predicted for Bayern München1.5
Average goals predicted for Real Madrid0.8

Player predictions

Mythos19043:2, Bayern München0
Kurt2:1, Bayern München0
MatG2:1, Bayern München0
Max2:1, Bayern München0
bwin1:0, Real Madrid2
Lukas1:0, Bayern München0
Philip1:0, Real Madrid2
TobiasR1:0, Bayern München0
DV82XL1:1, Real Madrid6
Manfred1:1, Real Madrid6
ali1:2, Real Madrid2